Monthly Archives: September 2011

In Memory of John Harvey Spracklin

For most of us, today is simply Labor Day.  For some of us, however, it is primarily the 5th anniversary of John Spracklin’s death.  It was a day that would radically change Jenny’s life…and little could I know, would also change mine.

It may be strange to say “in memory of” considering I never met John, never had a chance to talk with him.  I met Jenny Spracklin nearly 2 years after he passed away.  Yet it feels like I knew him well.  Maybe that is not surprising since her life is so entwined with his.  It’s as if if part of John is woven into all that she is.  Sometimes I wonder what Jenny was like before John because I know how tremendously he impacted her.  She says it often, “He changed my life”.

Now my life is meshed with Jenny’s and I can say the same thing.  He has changed my life.  Not just in the obvious ways either, although we’ve talked about it before…it is a difficult and ironic thought (and an altogether beautiful picture of the gospel) that her greatest tragedy brought about my greatest blessing. 

It is much more than that.  Is it the power of one changed life changing another.  God used John’s steadfast love to show Jenny His own love for her.  If you know their story at all, you’ll know of his constant pursuit for two years, even as she repeatedly “freaked out” and broke up with him.  John had faith that if he loved Jenny well, she would eventually respond to that love.  And she did. 

I love the story she tells of being two hours into a twelve hour trip to a wedding only to realize she had left her bridesmaid’s dress at home.  She burst into tears as John simply responded, “That just means I get more time in the car with you!”  He delighted in her and served her endlessly.  And that opened her eyes in a new way to the steadfast love of her Savior.

People have often asked if it is hard for me that Jenny was married before.  And I can honestly say that it hasn’t.  Even for a minute.  Why?  The only answer I can give is that it is God’s grace.  But His grace shows up in her love.  The reason it is not hard for me is that I don’t doubt her love for me.  When you know you are loved, there is no need to compare yourself to another.  And I know Jenny loves me.  Jenny loves John, too.  I know she always will.  And that she will grieve his death for the rest of her life.  Now it is my privilege to enter into that with her. 

Here is the John I know:  He grew up in the jungles of Bolivia and Colombia as a Wycliffe “missionary kid”.  He was an introvert who absolutely loved God’s Word, who hated big groups, but had an incredible way of getting to the heart in one-on-one conversations…even with people he just met.  He was horribly sappy and cheesy and Jenny ate it up. (I can relate to that! =)  He loved soccer, felt at home in the outdoors, and wanted to be a church planter in Latin America.  He taught powerfully from the Scriptures, led many to know Jesus, and wept for the homeless man who robbed them.  He was gentle, practical, incredibly driven, and compassionate.  He believed the Lord deeply and pursued Jenny with an amazing faith and love that changed her life.  He was a godly man who followed his God.

I never knew this man, but I miss him dearly.  And I can’t wait to meet him one day.