In Memory of John Harvey Spracklin

For most of us, today is simply Labor Day.  For some of us, however, it is primarily the 5th anniversary of John Spracklin’s death.  It was a day that would radically change Jenny’s life…and little could I know, would also change mine.

It may be strange to say “in memory of” considering I never met John, never had a chance to talk with him.  I met Jenny Spracklin nearly 2 years after he passed away.  Yet it feels like I knew him well.  Maybe that is not surprising since her life is so entwined with his.  It’s as if if part of John is woven into all that she is.  Sometimes I wonder what Jenny was like before John because I know how tremendously he impacted her.  She says it often, “He changed my life”.

Now my life is meshed with Jenny’s and I can say the same thing.  He has changed my life.  Not just in the obvious ways either, although we’ve talked about it before…it is a difficult and ironic thought (and an altogether beautiful picture of the gospel) that her greatest tragedy brought about my greatest blessing. 

It is much more than that.  Is it the power of one changed life changing another.  God used John’s steadfast love to show Jenny His own love for her.  If you know their story at all, you’ll know of his constant pursuit for two years, even as she repeatedly “freaked out” and broke up with him.  John had faith that if he loved Jenny well, she would eventually respond to that love.  And she did. 

I love the story she tells of being two hours into a twelve hour trip to a wedding only to realize she had left her bridesmaid’s dress at home.  She burst into tears as John simply responded, “That just means I get more time in the car with you!”  He delighted in her and served her endlessly.  And that opened her eyes in a new way to the steadfast love of her Savior.

People have often asked if it is hard for me that Jenny was married before.  And I can honestly say that it hasn’t.  Even for a minute.  Why?  The only answer I can give is that it is God’s grace.  But His grace shows up in her love.  The reason it is not hard for me is that I don’t doubt her love for me.  When you know you are loved, there is no need to compare yourself to another.  And I know Jenny loves me.  Jenny loves John, too.  I know she always will.  And that she will grieve his death for the rest of her life.  Now it is my privilege to enter into that with her. 

Here is the John I know:  He grew up in the jungles of Bolivia and Colombia as a Wycliffe “missionary kid”.  He was an introvert who absolutely loved God’s Word, who hated big groups, but had an incredible way of getting to the heart in one-on-one conversations…even with people he just met.  He was horribly sappy and cheesy and Jenny ate it up. (I can relate to that! =)  He loved soccer, felt at home in the outdoors, and wanted to be a church planter in Latin America.  He taught powerfully from the Scriptures, led many to know Jesus, and wept for the homeless man who robbed them.  He was gentle, practical, incredibly driven, and compassionate.  He believed the Lord deeply and pursued Jenny with an amazing faith and love that changed her life.  He was a godly man who followed his God.

I never knew this man, but I miss him dearly.  And I can’t wait to meet him one day.

15 responses to “In Memory of John Harvey Spracklin

  • Rosalie

    Ken, I can relate to you on so many levels. Having Jenny in our home for a week shortly after John passed gave us the opportunity to get to know not only Jenny but also John. We also got a glimpse into his life and into his amazing love for Jesus. That he loved Jenny with a deep love was very obvious. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone grieve as Jenny did. I thank the Lord for bringing you into her life. I saw the joy you bring her and that is such a blessing. Thank you for loving her the way you do. It’s what she needed and one thing we knew for sure, it was going to be extremely difficult for Jenny to find another man she would feel she could marry and give her whole life to him. But because you both have given your lives to Jesus first, you have made it possible for Him to do this work in both of your lives. 🙂

    With love to both of you.

  • gregstoughton

    Wow, Ken. Incredibly heartfelt and awesomely done. It is a joy to see what God has done in turning tragedy into glorification of Him. Thanks for sharing.

  • Brandy Shirley

    Her greatest tragedy redeemed into your greatest blessing. Beautiful! How blessed are those who trust our God!!!

  • Chery

    I am crying. This touched my heart so much. Blessings on you both, Ken and Jenny, and thank you Father for John.



  • Linda Morgan

    We too have been thinking of John lately. He sat in our apt. in Ft. Collins lamenting over the break up and talking of his love for Jenny. he was an honorable man of God. thanks for this special tribute to him. linda and steve Morgan

  • Aimee (Peters) Simmons (graduated high school w/ Jenny)

    This is a beautiful tribute and such a testimony to how gracious and loving God is! I’m so happy that God provided a husband for Jenny who sees the beauty of what God has done in her life and allows her the freedom to share her heart and past experiences. That is unconditional love and true love at its best. It is a tremendous gift to receive one husband who is that AWESOME, much less two! Priceless!

  • Rhesia

    This is beautiful Ken! It brought tears to my eyes. I can’t wait for the day we can all be with him. He was a wonderful man who loved Jenny well and I’m glad that you have been able to pick up where he left off 🙂 Thanks for honoring our beloved John in this way:)

  • Lisa Kay Call

    That is the most moving post I think I’ve ever read.

  • Rano Mariotti

    Wow, I don’t know that I have the words to describe how reading this blog has made me feel. God’s love is amazing. Sounds like John was a pretty amazing man and now he knows God’s love and is experiencing God’s glory in a very perfect way. Thank you so much for sharing this. It has blessed me and will bless many others. Keep on keepin on, you guys!

  • Sean Chapman

    Thanks for sharing these thoughts. It’s clear from what you’ve written here that you have a clear picture of John. I miss him. But I am grateful for the grace of God. The grace that has brought healing to Jenny, the two of you together, and salvation to all who believe. Praise God.

  • Barb Hanak

    Thanks, Ken, for such a moving tribute to John – meaning so very much especially since it came from you. You are clearly a blessing for Jenny!

    Barb Hanak

  • Amee Rennie Williams

    How I missed this 2 weeks ago I’ll never know, but what a blessing to read. May I just say I love all 3 of you with all my heart and am so glad God blessed me enough to be able to call you all family. I truly feel a triple blessing this AM thank you for loving my sis with such amazing grace….. What a picture of Gods love!!!!!

  • Grant Hendrix

    I went to Bryan College with John Spracklin and had the blessing of being his soccer teammate in 1993. Unfortunately, I never got to know John very well, but I was always struck by his sincere love for Christ. John was indeed an introvert, but never shied away from his testimony. His genuineness, kindness and uncompromising faith in Christ are things that will never allow John to fade from my memory. For some reason, God, in His providence, brought John to my mind today and led me to this incredibly uplifting blog about John (almost 2 years from when it was written). Just the encouragement I needed today. God’s grace is amazing! Thank God for John’s testimony. May God continue to bless you richly, Ken and Jenny!

  • kenandjenny

    Thanks so much for all the gracious, encouraging comments, everyone. Grant, glad you were thinking of him and found this post today. We have appreciated everyone’s comments here, just haven’t been very good at letting you know that!
    What a privilege to be reminded again today of how John’s life has touched so many and how God is still using his/our story to bring glory to himself. We were actually just sharing that with a new friend this morning and shedding grateful, sad tears once more. It was good.
    Thanks, friends.

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